Sunday, January 26, 2014

Pink Pocketknives

Orcas was amazing-like you knew it would be. I plan to take a few days to process and then I will blog a race report. I know some of you are at the edge of your seats. :) Until then here's a list of things I am grateful for-the list is incomplete of course-as there is so much to be grateful for (except hanging prepositions, sorry).

Pink Pocketknives (life changing at mile 12.5ish)
Constant support from Alexa-a great coach & friend
Blue skies
country songs-only if written on the trail
soft ground
Epsom salt
Friends who carry Aleve
Susan and Karen at the aid station
toilet paper
wiggling walking sticks
Dirty Girls
Dirty Dudes
hot running water post-race (something I didn't have after the Capitol Peak run)
Being stopped on the steepest hill by someone who asks "Are you 'Miles of Motivation' Aimee?" (yes, yes I am).
Amazing views
old growth forest
positive attitudes
steep switchbacks (am I grateful for those? Hmm)
Good training
Rest stops with kit kats, coke and peanut M&Ms (yes please!)
Two legs, though someone out there proved not everyone even needs two to give it a go-inspiring!
Laughter-pre-race, during race and post race
Running time with Lori, Lori, Nancy, Cassie & Richard
Bumping into other friends on the trail-Marcy, Dawn, Lucy, Pam and more
Knowing people were thinking of me, pulling for me and cheering me on
A tear filled greeting from Miss Susan Olive at the finish

And (wait for it, wait for it)....
the Downhill!